I'm sorry, you have lost your kingdom. Please come back soon and try again. It certainly was nice playing with you. Please come back again some time and try again! Thats all folks. You lose. So long, farewell, aufwiedersehen, goodbye. Toodaloo. You have let your financial position become too weak to continue. Farewell. So now you know: Being a king is harder than it looks. The first time I looked at you I thought you'd be a flop as a king. I was right. Goodbye. Goodbye. You had your chance and you blew it. No more chances. It's over. Well, you've played this game about as badly as you could. Your debt is too high for your assets to support. You have failed big. Toodles. Well, you have lost. I told you it would happen didn't I. Next time try not to get so deeply in debt. Adios muchacho. Its not as though we didn't warn you that this would happen. Your debts are too high, your assetts too low, and your history stinks. Good bye. You blew it. The bank is forclosing on your property. You were warned! You should have kept your credit rating higher. The bank no longer trusts you to pay back their goods. They are siezing your property and writing you off. Forclosure proceedings are always so uncomfortable. Sorry about this. Good bye. I am sorry, but your assets can no longer support your loan. We are forced to forclose on you. Goodbye.